Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sprint Race Nutrition

For a sprint race you want to eat as little as possible before and during the race.  Eating takes time and is hard to do when you are in upper zone 4 or zone 5. It also raises your perceived effort and your heart rate.

With that being said below is what I did with my nutrition for this past weekends sprint race:
Pre Race
Blueberry Muffin with a powerade zero for breakfast about 3hrs or so before race time.
1-2 Hours out I am drinking a mixture of 1st Endurance pre-race and GU Brew Electrolyte tablets containing 320mg of sodium.
At the same time I am taking my MST Cordygen5 and Citruvol Ultra.
10-30min out from hitting the water I took one MST Athlytes electolyte pill containing 350mg of sodium. I will never go back to Endurolytes containing 40mg of sodium.

1 Water bottle filled with a GU Brew Electrolyte tablet. I am supposed to get at least half way through this bottle and I did.
1 more MST Athlytes mid-way through the bike portion
1 Serving of Strawberry Chomps 90 calories, 23g of carbs and 50mg of sodium

Passed first aid station and only dumped water on my head.
Second aid station threw a little water in my mouth.
Passed the last aid station and again dumped water on my head.

My hamstring cramped up in a dead sprint at the end trying to beat another competitor.
My issue was probably not on what or the amount of nutrients I took in but I do believe I did not drink enough water pre-race and during the bike to allow all the electrolytes I took on to take full effect.
I think the chomps was a huge waste of time for a sprint and will never do that again. I actually knew better but did it anyway.

Nutrition Goals going in:
Take on around 700mg of sodium per hour for the race and take on enough water to make sure it took effect.
I took on probably 800mg or so of sodium thanks to the chomps and GU. I was out there for 1.2hrs so I needed about 840mg.

Next race I will try to drink the entire water bottle and nix the chomps.

 Lemon Lime

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