Friday, January 14, 2011

Friday from Hell 1.14.10

Well I managed to get out of bed before 5am and get my morning bike in and just barely make it to work by 7am. Also, thanks to Nate and the CF WOD from Wednesday my calves are still killing me.

WU: 10min
MS: 3xLong Hill Repeats on the Computrainer. Each trip took me an avg of 2:33 to climb and an average of 4:15 to come down the hill with soft pedal as my recovery. No passive rest between sets.

Avg 280 watts per climb with a high of 290 on the middle set. Avg 170hr during the efforts which is about 82% of max. This is slightly misleading though as my HR was low at the beginning of each set and with a short set it is hard to raise an avg HR. Avg max HR was 183 about 90% of max.

My legs felt completely dead about 2/3 into each rep.

WU: 5min on treadmill easy
MS: “Modified Prison Walk”
Burpees sets of 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2
30 sec RBS

I made the mistake of counting the total number of burpees in this set prior to completion and its 110. Lesson learned never analyze a workout prior to doing it.

Well workout is completed and the MS took me right at 15min, but I have to admit I am not putting as much into that jump at the end of the burpee as I probably should so I need to fix that. Skimping here on my workout means less speed on race day. Still I think my avg HR for the sets was in the 180's.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man burpees are rough. I usually do a set of like 15 after I run... there's a big difference between doing a full burpee with a pushup, jump, and clap versus just falling into a plank position and getting up.

    What is RBS?
