Monday, February 13, 2012

IMTX Training Update

Things are progressing.  I got another 3hrs on the trainer last night thanks again goes out to Coach Troy and his Spinervals DVDs I couldn't put that time in on the trainer without them.  Then I decided to go for a super quick 2mile brick to test out the tendonitis and legs.  The run was fine and the knee was fine for the two miles.  I ran on as much grass as possible and I kept it slow.

I also was running with my new "Footbeds" which are custom made insoles from my friends at Tad Hughes Custom who also did my bike fit.  I am now wearing those insoles 90% of the time and I think it will help my tracking of my knee stay inline and also help take some stress off the foot in general.

I am signed up for a half marathon in Austin this weekend and I am still undecided on whether I run or not.  I am probably going to run knowing that I have already paid for it but I plan on biking long the day before and giving my self excuses to pull out if need be for the knee.  I plan on running it slow and steady and not racing it as I do not need another setback before IMTX for any reason.

Looking forward I have 4hr bike rides starting next weekend and then start to rebuild my volume slowly.  It will not be an ideal build to an ideal level but oh well.  It is what it is.  Trying to make some lemonade.

Besides that my swim fitness is coming back.  I am still terrible in the water but I am feeling better than I have in two seasons which is due to the fact I am getting to the pool and swimming consistently.

All for now lets see what happens with the Half Marathon this weekend.

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