Monday, January 23, 2012

Week 1 of IMTX Training

All in all it was not a bad week of training for me until I got to Sunday.  I had to switch out my long run and long bike this weekend based on life.

I like to do my long runs on Saturday so that my legs are fresher than doing them the day after a long bike.  Oh well no big deal.

Image DetailSo, set out to do 18miles of running with the wife as she is training for the Austin Marathon in a few weeks.  The run was going well until mile 6-7 then I started feeling something going on with me knee.  This was not a new feeling and I knew it was trouble but not wanting to let my wife down I kept going. The pain of course did not go away.  We were employing a run/walk program every mile like there were aid stations and finally around mile 10 or so the wife noticed me limping while walking.  So, we "discussed" over the next mile the smart option of my stopping the run.  Which I did :( .

This is now the second time in three weeks and the second long run in a row that I have had to stop due to this knee issue.  I have had knee issues since college and I do not know if they are cut out for long distance running. I have ran a few half marathons with the wife and have done a Half Ironman all with no knee issues but all the sudden I decide to train for an Ironman and help my wife train for a marathon and my knees have decided they wanted to age 30 years or something. Needless to say this is really bothering me because I feel my fitness is getting better but my body is not letting me do the long distance running I need to not only be successful at Ironman but even to complete the Marathon at the end of that beast.  The pain slowly comes up and then it cripples me and it is tough to even walk.  It is now Monday the day after my legs have almost zero soreness (note: my fitness is good) but my knee is still in pain.
Image Detail
I do not want this to be me.

I am going through the internal struggle now on how to proceed.  I am going to talk to a ortho friend of mine and seek support from my network of friends, family and coaches to try to get through.


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